
Decoding Male Psychology

Male psychology a mysterious subject. Women always want to know how men interpret things at all levels as the majority of them always have a mute button on.To decode this puzzle, I conducted an online survey with 47 men to bring out the face from shadows.

Poetry on International Men’s Day

Women always worry about things that men forget; men always worry about things women remember.
– Albert Einstein.
A short poem on the occasion of less known International Men’s Day

Organ Donation

Organ Donation- Leave a Legacy of Your Life

Your chance to live life after death- By donating your organs to someone who can live your life using your ‘tools’. The topic discusses the need to donate, will clear some common misconceptions and the process one should follow to donate organs.

5 Common Mistakes In Spoken English

An ode to Teacher’s Day. Did you pay attention to your English classes or were just busy admiring your first crush in school? Put your English to test and have a look at the most common mistakes people make while speaking English.

What is life

What is Life?

Have you ever pondered upon the subject, “what is the meaning of life?”


Lessons from The Mahabharat

Some implicit learnings from Mahabharat from the perspective of a young mind. Let us find out, how Lord Krishna’s teachings are still universal, practical, simple and relevant.