Family eating together

समय की विभीषिका पर अपनों का साथ …

किसी ने खूब कहा है की जब
अपने ही बन गए अपनों के फ़रिश्ते
प्रस्तुत आलेख इस कोरोना महामारी के समय पर मानव के मन की व्यथा एवं परिवार के साथ को उम्मीद का नया रास्ता बताकर उसके मन के कुंठाओ के प्रति एक आशावादी’ दृष्टिकोण के रूप में प्रस्तुत किया है |

5 books to start with if you are not a reader

Are you a person who was NEVER into reading novels but wants to give it a shot? Well, then this article is for you. We have compiled a list of 5 books which you should read to fall as a beginner to fall in love with reading.

2020: War between species

When there is war between two species, the chances of winning is higher for the one with higher intelligence… It is astonishing when the one with most sophisticated mind for survival gets broken by just strands of genetic material.. But the question is how?

मेरा पन्ना…

कविता मन की भावना का आईना होती है। जब छलकती है तब समा बांध देती है और जब रूठती है तब समय को बांध देती है!

eVoting – Solution to increase the Voter Turnout

Recent elections show that in India almost one-third of the population doesn’t cast its vote. This can be devastating for India’s democracy. This article talks about a possible solution, eVoting (using a suite of 2 apps), for increasing voter turnout; and also discusses its benefits, challenges, implementation details and related cost

Autobiography of a Mosquito

For the first time in history, the ‘Most Dangerous Animal’ reveals her story as she moves around hunting for her prey. We will come to know about the reason she bites, the conditions that suit her, the process used by her to detect the prey, the way humans can prevent her, World Mosquito Day and other interesting details. Let us also see, who is more evil – Human or Mosquito?

5 Must-Watch Hindi Short Films

The lockdown doesn’t seem to come to an end but the drive to search for new interesting content does. Amidst the lockdown where you have scrolled through almost all the content present on platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Zee5, etc., these 5 short films can prove to be refreshing and intriguing.

Book Review: Nectar in a Sieve

कमला मार्कंडेय द्वारा लिखित Nectar in a sieve उपन्यास की समीक्षा । यह उपन्यास पाठकों को भारतीय संस्कृति के दिल के अंदर झांकने देता है। इसमें भारतीय किसान के रूप में जीवन की नाजुकता और परिवार और प्रेम के महत्व को बहुत ही सुन्दरता से प्रस्तुत किया गया है । समीक्षा पढ़ने के बाद पाठक यह निश्चित कर पाएंगे की उन्हें यह उपन्यास पढ़ना चाहिये